Come swiftly to the swifts' rescue
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Swifts need our help. Their numbers are plummeting in the UK – according to the RSPB, there’s been a 53% decline between 1995 and 2016. The problem is that when buildings are refurbished or demolished, the nooks and crannies so vital for swifts are lost. This means that swifts have nowhere to nest. They need gaps high up on our homes and in other buildings. So the RSPB has a goal. Swifts winter in Africa and make their way to the UK for the summer. To help swifts, it wants to get 1,000 swift nestboxes up before the swifts arrive at the end of April. How you can help swifts You can make a swift nestbox or if you’re short of time or practical abilities, you can buy a swift nestbox from the RSPB’s shop.
If you’re involved in a new build or renovation project, you can install a swift brick. For advice on bricks, email the RSPB’s conservation team at [email protected] and include 'swift bricks' in the subject line. Every swift brick counts. Find out more about swifts here. |
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