11 Ways to Help Snow Leopards


The Snow Leopard is an elusive big cat. They aren’t easy to spot, as they blend in well with their surroundings.  Locals call them the “mountain ghosts”.  (Find out how India's first snow leopard census was carried out.)

Snow leopards live in Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Tjiskistan, Russia and Uzbekistan so they have quite a range covering roughly 2 million square kilometres, half of which are in China.

Feb 2025:  China completes world’s largest snow leopard population survey within 360,000 square kilometers
"Estimated population:  1,002 snow leopards
China is home to about 60% of snow leopard habitat."

Snow Leopard conservation charities will be working closely with local communities to help local people co-exist with these magnificent big cats, and also to help them with ways to improve their living standards.  This will help reduce the need for poaching and also reduce reliance on livestock.

Jan 2025:  Partnerships for Strength, Hope, & Impact: A Letter from our Executive Director
(The Snow Leopard Trust)

In January 2025, the Global Times reported that the largest-scale snow leopard population survey has been published.  The study covered 28.2% of snow leopard habitats and it revealed that within the approximately 360,000 square kilometers of the Sanjiangyuan area surveyed, the average population density of snow leopards is about 0.90 per 100 square kilometers.  This would have an estimated population of around 1,002 individuals. Find out all about it here.



Food For Snow Leopards: Mountain Elk Reintroduced In Kyrgyzstan (January 2025)

How about a Research Camera Adoption to support snow leopard conservation?
How about a Research Camera Adoption
to support snow leopard conservation?
Image © Snow Leopard Trust

11 ways to help snow leopards.

1.  Build a connection with snow leopards.  Find out more about these magnificent big cats – their behaviour, biology, geography and so on.  Watch footage of them (the Snow Leopard Trust has some amazing photos) to develop a bond with them, even if it is from the comfort of home.  Get closer to them - it will increase your desire to help them

2.  Understand the threats facing snow leopards and spread the word – poaching, mining, climate change.  Its main prey species such as sheep and goats - are also threatened by illegal and unsustainable hunting.  In some areas, there are retribution killings when snow leopards kill livestock.  Mining is destroying the eco-systems snow leopards depend on.  And climate change will alter the habitat of the snow leopard and other species, affecting the availability of water and vegetation. Tell people that snow leopards are under threat.  It’s estimated that there are no more than 6,390 snow leopards living in the wild – and there may be as few as 3,920.  There's a "Can you spot the danger?  snow leopard quiz" here.

3.  The 23rd October is International Snow Leopard Day (make a note in your calendar) but you can make every day a snow leopard day by checking for and sharing news, photos and videos you find to raise awareness of this stunning big cat.

4. Find out what snow leopard charities are doing to overcome the challenges facing snow leopards.  Find out where they work, what they do, what their mission is, ways in which you can help, whether they have a newslettler you can sign up to.  Follow them on social media.  Some may have volunteer opportunities.  For instance, you could look at

The Snow Leopard Network is a worldwide organization which facilitates the exchange of information and insights between individuals around the world with the aim of snow leopard conservation.  Take a look at their Annual Report for 2023 which celebrates 20 years of the Snow Leopard Network.

5.  Adopt a snow leopard to support snow leopard charities!   The Snow Leopard Trust has e-adoptions so wherever you are in the world, you can adopt a snow leopard!  This makes for a great gift for big cat lovers – your gift really is making a difference.  You can even adopt Anu, a wild snow leopard!  Find out more about the adoptions here

The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation has a snow leopard appeal.
The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) works to protect snow leopards.
DSWF is a UK registered charity, No. 1106893
Adopt a snow leopard from the DSWF from £3 a month. 

6.   Watch for appeals the snow leopard charities make.  They are often involved in Giving Tuesday or fundraisers around Christmas, so you could ask people to donate for you on your behalf instead of giving you an actual present.  (This makes life much easier for them, too!)

7.   You could do a Research Camera Adoption with the Snow Leopard Trust and directly support snow leopard conservation.   This would be quite an amazing gift for a snow leopard lover, as it includes a Personalized Research Camera adoption certificate, thousands of exclusive photographs from a real research camera trap, immediately available to download and a full camera roll from Mongolia, India and Kyrgyzstan!  Find out more here

Dagina is probably one of the most studied snow leopards in the world,
and this videos tells the story of her life.
But she is now in her twilight years and conservation charities 
such as the DSWF and the Snow Leopard Trust want to secure a future for snow leopards.

8.  Donate or join Team Snow Leopard at the Snow Leopard Trust and donate monthly.  

9. Buy products from snow leopard conservation charities’ online shops.   Spread the snow leopard wonder!  You could also support Snow Leopard Enterprises.  The idea is that herder women living in snow leopard habitat produce unique handicrafts, made with the natural resources they have.   Snow Leopard Enterprises buys them and sells them online to snow leopard supporters worldwide!  Families taking part can boost their income by up to 40% - and they pledge to keep snow leopards in their area safe.   The Snow Leopard Trust says you could also sell some of its products at arts and crafts fairs to help raise funds and awareness. 

10.  See if you can  to fundraise for a snow leopard charityhelp support their work.  You could set up an online fundraiser or do a personal challenge for instance.  

11.  Get children involved too;  they can learn about snow leopards with lots of snow leopard activities!