Water is a very precious resource, despite the rain and flooding some parts of the planet have been experiencing. So here are.... As the civil rights leader Mahatma Gandhi said back in the first half of the 20th century, “The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed." There were about 3.5 billion people on the planet then. There’s now 7.7 billion plus. And earth’s resources can’t keep up with our increasing needs and demands. Water is a very precious resource, despite the rain and flooding some parts of the planet have been experiencing. So here are.... There are now close to 8 billion people. And earth’s resources can’t keep up with our increasing needs and demands. In 2023, Earth Overshoot Day was 2nd August, meaning that that’s “the date when humanity has used all the biological resources that Earth regenerates during the year.” So what about water? Many parts of the world are experiencing severe drought. And even if where you live isn’t, we can all think about what we can do for thirsty animals, be they pets, livestock or wildlife. It’s been really sad in the UK this August 2022 to see the rivers and streams, ponds and mini ponds dry up. There’s been far too little mention of the impact this has on wildlife. It’s been more about who is to blame. But whoever is at fault, it’s a good opportunity to consider where each of us stand in terms of our water usage and what we are doing to share it with the animal kingdom. Appreciate what you have – don’t waste it - and share, share, share - Visualise your favourite animal being without water or imagine what it would be like to switch on the tap to find you have no water. And imagine feeling as though you’re gasping for a drink of water or that somewhere on the planet, an animal is desperate for even just one drop of water. This vision is a very effective way to make me think about the water I use. It doesn’t take me long to switch a tap off or reduce the pressure of my shower.
- THINK before you use water. Turn the tap on and off when cleaning teeth or showering – those moments when you just let the water run. Don’t’ let the water run. Switch it off.
- Re-use water where you can. We turf out unused water e.g. from water bottles, glasses of water which haven’t been finished, old water from the kettle, the water left over from our dog’s water bowl when we clean it out – it all goes out on to the garden and that only takes 30 seconds to do. Now in August 2022, we have a bucket on the floor in the kitchen and all our water we’re not using goes into that to go on the garden when it’s full. It’s incredible much we are saving for the garden.
- Did you see Chris Packham’s programme, Waterhole: Africa’s Animal Oasis? It showed how a waterhole can support a variety of species throughout a year. You could Sponsor a waterhole, donate to a project or support charities which are helping get water to wildlife, such as Tigers4ever. The WWF is establishing a network of artificial watering holes for Saiga Antelope in Russia. The Mwalua Wildlife Trust in Kenya has a Water is Life Truck which takes water to wildlife, critical in times of drought. Wildlife rescue charity WIRES in Australia has launched a Water for Wildlife project
- Get a water butt and use that water for your garden. We got one a few years ago and it’s great. We constantly use it for our garden and water the plants even when they are slightly dry. Bees, butterflies and other insects are depending on these plants. Give someone a water butt as a gift.
- Encourage your local pub to put a water bowl out for visiting and passing dogs. And don’t forget when you’re on an outing with your dog, he or she needs water breaks just as you need your coffee break or tea stop. You can always carry a portable dog water bowl with you. If I see a shop with a dog bowl full of water outside, I go in and thank them for putting it out, and have a look round. I tell people about it, especially dog owners.
- Put a wildlife pond in your garden. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. I love watching the birds in our garden take a bath or drink out of water we’ve given them. Please do not add goldfish – they will eat everything meant for the wildlife! Give wildlife a bowl of water – it is incredible the difference this will make. We have dotted a number of bowls around the garden in the shade, so that they have a choice.
- Sponsor a water trough for animals abroad. SPANA and The Brooke both have gift pages where you can treat an animal or animals to water, in a trough. These troughs can be permanent or mobile – they can be moved about. Some of these animals are working in temperatures of 50 degrees plus. They need water. Give them the chance to have it.
- Make sure your own animals have access to a regular supply of clean water - all of the animals in your house. If you’re going out for the day, leave an extra supply of water, in case you are delayed getting back.
 Take a look at the RHS initiative Mains2Rains
- Actively research ways to save water in the garden. The RHS has an initiative called Mains2Rains – do take a look
- Get involved in charities which look after our sources of water, such as the Canal and River Trust. Take a look at their #ActNowForCanals campaign
Watch every drop we use, and we’ll all be better off. It doesn’t take long to get in the habit, and you never know, you could save yourself some cash in water bills :-) As the civil rights leader Mahatma Gandhi said back in the first half of the 20th century, “The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed." There were about 3.5 billion people on the planet then. We are at 8 billion now (nearly) and our demands have changed. They are more excessive for many of us. So the final word goes back to Gandhi and I’m sure most of us have heard it before: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world…” If those of us who care use less, it’s a start, and then we can show the way. |