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Click to tell Facebook to shut down its disturbing pangolin trade

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Pangolins need all our help. 

I’ve had an email from about a petition for pangolin lovers.  They have some really good campaigns on SumOfUs and are achieving some great results

Pangolins  they need our voice, and our signature to tell Facebook "to increase  the enforcement of wildlife trafficking policy and make sure that no threatened or endangered species’ parts are sold on your platform."

Click to tell Facebook to shut down its disturbing pangolin trade

Pangolins are the most trafficked animal on the planet.  Up to 2.7 million of them are killed by poachers every year.  Poachers want to sell their parts to traditional medicine shops.

A new report says that Facebook it worse, because they are letting traffickers sell pangolin parts on their platform!  Report investigators searched translations of pangolin in different languages, and there was listing after listing, even though Facebook has already signed an international coalition to stop this sort of thing! They just need to enforce their own rules.

Click to tell Facebook to shut down its disturbing pangolin trade


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  1. Anita Moss

    Disgusted the internet is still being used to sell animals and animal parts. All abuse must be removed.

    Posted on

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