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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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Category: Wildlife Habitat: Wildlife Corridors

  1. SUCCESS: The Green Match Fund 2023 is from 20-27 April 2023

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    Update on 29 April 2023:  The Green Match Fund 2023 was a great success, and £4,349,330 was raised for 178 charities in 7 days.  There were 22,457 donations to make this happen!   Congratulations to all the charities involved! 

    Here's the background here: 

    Here’s a chance to make a donation for wildlife which gets DOUBLED

    From the 20th April at midday for one week, you can donate to an environmental charity taking part and your donation will be matched! 

    This is a great chance to really make your £ stretch to make a difference!

    If we all pull together, we can really go places for nature and the natural world
    If we all pull together, we can really go places 
    for nature and the natural world
    Visit the Green Match Fund here

    Charites taking part in the Green Match Fund include:

    • Wildlife Trusts (a number have their own individual appeals)
    • Rewilding Britain
    • Bees for Development Trust
    • Surfers Against Sewage
    • Northumberland Rivers Trust
    • Fauna and Flora International (for pangolins)
    • The RSPB
    • Buglife
    • Students organising for Sustainability (that's Hedgehogs Friendly Schools)
    • Blue Marine Foundation
    • Virunga Foundation (that’s for gorillas)
    • David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
    • ZSL (for big cats)
    • Bumblebee Conservation Trust
    • Wild Fish Conservation
    • Royal Entomological Society (that’s for insects)
    • International Animal Rescue (for mangroves)
    • The Shark Trust
    • Sumatran Orangtuan Foundation
    • Beaver Trust
    • Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (wildcats)
    • Whale and Dolphin Conservation
    • Bat Conservation Trust
    • CPRE (for hedgerows, so important to lifestyle)
    • Wildlife Vets International (for vultures)
    • Space for Giants (elephant-human conflict)
    • South Downs National Park Trust (for a network for ponds)
    • Rhino Ark (UK)
    • Orangutan Foundation
    • Bees Abroad (bees and elephants)
    • Cetacean Research and Rescue Unit
    • Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust
    • Project Seagrass
    • Organisation Cetacea
    • People’s Trust for Endangered Species (for hedgerows)
    • International Otter Survival Fund
    • World Cetacean Alliance
    • The Falconry Centre – Vulture Conservation
    • South Georgia Heritage Trust (whales)
    • UK Wild Otter Trust

    Even if you cannot donate, this is a great opportunity to find out more about what the charities that interest you most do, and to spread awareness of what they do – spread the word!

    The above list doesn’t cover all the charities taking part, so visit the Green Match Fund’s page to find out more!



  2. The Skagit Land Trust in Washington protects another 50 more acres!

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    The Skagit Land Trust is a local non-profit conservation organisation located in the beautiful state of Washington.   It is supported by over 1,600 people (indidivduals, families and businesses).  It protects key natural land for future generations of people and wildlife and for the benefit of the community.

    And great news!

    The Skagit Land Trust has protected over 8,560 acres of land and 46 miles of marine and freshwater shoreline in Skagit County.  It’s done this  working with communities, landowners and partners.

    And good news!  They’ve purchased 50 more acres.  These are at the entrance to Samish Island and the land will be managed as part of the Samish Island Conservation Area.

    The Trust now protects 100 acres at the entrance to Samish Island and over half a mile of marine shoreline.  It includes a beach, freshwater wetlands, a tidal marsh, a small creek and tidelands.    And it means that the entrance will be natural open space forever!

    The purchase was possible thanks to over 200 families, businesses and organisations who donated to help purchase the property, and the Washington State Department of Ecology who helped secure a grant of$875,000 from the National Coastal Weltands Conservation Grant Program.  

    The Trust is working to secure further grant funds and these will help repay loans taken out for the purchase and also to help restore the property.  


    The 100 acres includes the Samish Island Conservation Area, and the Samish Flower Farm.  It also includes an adjoining private conservation easement, kindly donated over 15 years ago by Jim Squires Jr and Cliff Squires.  Take a look at the areas protected by the Skagit Land Trust and you’ll see how important conservation easement is.

    The first step is a site clean up. 

    Find out all about the Skagit Land Trust’s Conservation Strategy here.

    This just shows what can be done when people pull together towards a common conservation goal, so well done to every one involved.  Donate here.

  3. Wildlife habitat planted for wildlife in Shropshire

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    There’s good news from the Shropshire Hills. 

    National Trust volunteers have planted over 2,000 native trees there as part of a big conservation project.

    The Stepping Stones project will help wildlife

    Introducing the Stepping Stones project

    Stepping Stones is a landscape-scale conservation project.  It’s aiming to improve the area, restoring habitats and linking them together, thereby creating wildlife corridors.

    Volunteers have planted wildlife-friendly saplings such as elder, holly, hawthorn and rowan.  These trees will give nectar, berries and shelter for birds and other wildlife in the future and they will create a corridor that connects areas for wildlife.  

    The Stepping Stones project will help wildlife such as dormice

    Wildlife corridors are critical to wildlife

    The idea of wildlife corridors is that wildlife can move through an area, because the corridors link up areas of habitat so they can get from A to B – almost like their own motorway network, or railway system.

    This project is necessary because the area – like so many others – has lost many hedgerows and trees in fields.  This is because of agricultural practices which have changed over time.

    Patches of woodland have been cut off from each other – so species such as dormice get stuck in one area – they need hedgerows to move through an area.  Less scrub and thicket have meant less breeding habitat for songbirds.

    So planting long strips of native woodland – very wide hedgerows – have created new habitat which link up other areas.

    Volunteers are really making a difference to wildlife

    This plan will help strengthen the network of woodland corridors

    The ultimate idea is to strengthen the network of woodland habitat in the area.   This really will help wildlife move about safely – they will have somewhere to nest and rest, too, and it will make the landscape look even more beautiful for us all to enjoy!

    You can support the National Trust’s Stepping Stones appeal here.


  4. New conservation area in the Andes, Southern Ecuador

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    The World Land Trust is a conservation charity that works with local conservation partners all over the world.  It is an amazing charity and one of my favourites.

    One of things it has is an Action Fund.  This is something people who care about conservation can donate to, and what it enables the Trust to do is to put the donations into action fast if a piece of vital wildlife habitat is in danger of being lost.  The Trust can work with partners on the ground and ensure that the habitat is purchased and saved for wildlife and for local people living in the area.

    The Action Fund was put into action recently; and as a result, there’s a natural safe habitat for the incredible 1,000 mature black-and-chestnut eagle.  There are fewer than 1,000 of these left in the world, so very few indeed.

    But they now have a natural safe haven in Ecuador!

    The World Land Trust reported that over 34,000 acres were added to endangered eagle haven in Ecuador.   Their partner Naturaleza y Cultura Ecuador (NCE for short) has worked been working hard for four years, and as a result, the Santiago Municipal Reserve was officially declared in March 2021!

    Scientists have already recorded 344 plant species, 152 bird species, 57 amphibian, 47 mammals and 11 reptiles in the area so it is full of wildlife.

    It expands a key corridor- the Sangay-Podocarpus Connectivity Corridor – and it sits between two national parks in Ecuador.   Last year the corridor became Ecuador’s first corridor – is covers 1.4 million acres of diverse, fragile   ecosystems, and includes a bit of another reserve – the Podocarpus – El Condor Biosphere Reserve.  WLT works here with NCE.  Animals such as the jaguar and bear will be able to roam safely.

    The connections go further, because north of the corridor is 200 mile long spine of reserves and national parks along the eastern Andes, connected by reserves backed by the World Land Trust in the llanganates-Sangay Biological Corridor with Fundacion Ecominga. 

    The networked protected areas cover about 4 million acres!

    How was this money raised to buy this 34,000 acres?   In part, by World Land Trust supporters who donated to the Action Fund.  It really does make a difference.

    Read all about the 34,000 acres saved in Ecuador and the impact for the network here.


  5. Please see this video from Gravitas - how nature is reclaiming its spaces due to the Coronavirus

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    Sometimes you see something on the internet or on television that really hits you hard and makes a point extremely well.

    I saw this video, this afternoon, and I wanted to share it with you.  Please share it with everyone you can.

    The ultimate message is that we SHARE this planet.  It demonstrates how dominant the human race has become - and how selfish.   I am not going to tell you anymore about it - please just watch it for yourself.   Here it is:

    Thank you, Gravitas.

    Please vow to make a difference today. 
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