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Good news from South Africa for bird species from Birdlife

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Birdlife International report there were celebrations in April 2017:  the Mpumalanga’s Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs declared the Greater Lakenvlei area a Protected Environment.

New Protected Environment Declared in South AfricaNew Protected Environment Declared in South Africa 
©Romy Antrobus-Ruth

Greater Lakenvlei is an important conservation area:

South African legislation provides for different categories of formal protection:

  1. Nature reserves and national parks, where activities are strictly controlled
  2. Protected Environment where some activities e.g. farming practices can continue but destructive and unsustainable activities are not allowed

Areas are divided into zones such as natural areas and degraded areas.  

In natural areas, activities are strictly controlled – over-grazing and indiscriminate use of pesticides are not allowed.

Greater Lakenvlei now has a Management Plan which will be implemented to benefit the birds in this area.  Hopefully this declaration will encourage more bird lovers and nature lovers to visit, which should lead to more jobs and help conserve the area.

It was made possible by the collaborative efforts of the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) and their NGO partners, the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) and BirdLife South Africa

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