Water, water, for wildlife in Guatemala
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The World Land Trust reports that wildlife were putting themselves at risk in Guatemala because they were getting close to urban areas. So their conservation partner FUNDAECO introduced human-made watering holes and they have proved to be invaluable for wildlife – several species have been filmed using them. This initiative came after the Caribbean was hit by longer summers and animals got closer to towns. It only takes the team a few days to install each watering hole. The water holes will now be an annual part conservation. The plan is to roll these artificial water sources out on other reserves.
The first project the World Land Trust did with FUNDAECO was the purchase of 1,500 acres of lowland and inundated tropical forest. They created a reserve at Laguna Grande. Today, they are still buying and protecting some of the last remaining wetlands and tropical forests in Caribbean Guatemala. Back in 2017, they started to create a new core reserve area in the Sierra Santa Cruz. And WLT supports FUNDAECO through its Keepers of the Wild Appeal – that funds rangers on the reserves. Find out about the work the World Land Trust is doing in Guatemala here Donate to the World Land Trust’s Keepers of the Wild Appeal here |
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