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Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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Ask the UK Government to stop funding fossil fuel projects abroad.

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Did you know that the UK Government (i.e. you and me, if you are a UK tax payer) are funding climate-wrecking projects?   Our hard-earned cash is being used to fuel the climate crisis and make things worse!

The UK is due to host the UN climate talks in November 2020 and we must be seen to be leading the way.   Ending investment in oil and gas projects is a golden opportunity for the government to look good at the climate talks – and we all know how governments like to look good.   JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs are doing it – why can’t the UK government do it too?

Please sign Friends of the Earth's petition asking the UK Government to stop funding fossil fuel project abroad. ©Friends of the Earth

Most people have no idea this is happening.   Friends of the Earth say that between 2016 and 2018, our money funded 16 oil and gas projects in Brazil, China, Myanmar, Mexico and India.   Tens of millions of £££ went towards building power plants and drilling rigs in Ghana, Nigeria and Bangladesh. 

Friends of the Earth have a petition we can all sign (and/or share) asking the UK Government to stop funding fossil fuel project abroad. 

Please sign the petition here.


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