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Help put more rangers into Sumatra to protect tigers

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Are you a tiger lover?  Do you want to help tigers in Sumatra?

Fauna and Flora International are looking for donations to put more rangers into the field in Sumatra to protect tigers.

100 years ago, Javan and Balinese tigers prowled the jungles of Indonesia.  Over generation after generation of tiger, mother after mother taught cub after cub how to fit the islands they were born on.  They became unique – each a subspecies in its own right.    

But people slaughtered them.  They were tracked, found, killed and skinned to enhance the prestige of the big-game hunter or fill the coffers of a wildlife trader.  Both are now extinct.  They’ve gone.  And on the next island along – the same thing is happening again.

There are fewer than 400 Sumtran tigers left.  That number is going down.  They are critically endangered.

Help Fauna and Flora International protect tigers
Help Fauna and Flora International protect tigers with a £3 donation.
©Fauna and Flora International

Despite the persistent efforts of conservation teams, there aren’t enough areas that are protected to stop poachers getting through and setting deadly snares.

The tigers have no idea about all of this.  They don’t have a clue.   They cannot avert the slaughter they see don’t coming. 

We need to make a stand and learn from the mistakes we’ve made before.  We cannot lose these tigers from Sumatra. 

Fauna and Flora International are putting rangers in place.  They are training and equipping them to remove the snares and keep poachers away.  Then the beautiful Sumatra tigers can be safe in the wild again.

In short, donations will put more rangers into the field.

Please help Sumatran tigers today with a £3 donation!  Let’s put more rangers into the field and protect tigers. 


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