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Save Sumatran Rhinos from extinction in Indonesia

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0 Comments have a petition asking the Indonesian government to save Sumatran Rhinos from extinction and they need your voice to add strength to their cause.  

Ask the Indonesian Government to save Sumatran Rhinos from extinction
Sumatran rhinos are extinct - all except for in Indonesia.  80 of them are left there and the species urgently needs your voice.  Poachers, habitat loss and their own low birth rate has reduced their numbers to such an extent that it will be nearly impossible for them to find a mate and breed, experts believe.

If the rhinos are to survive in Indonesia, the government there must make saving them a priority, and in so doing, they need to work with the Malaysian government.  

The Indonesian government must make a public commitment to save the Sumatran Rhino and work with Malaysia to help save these wonderful animals.

Please sign the petition and tell Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and the Ministry of the Environment to take action now.



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