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Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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Petition to help African wildlife and people from the African Wildlife Foundation

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Please, please take a look at this petition! 

The African Wildlife Foundation sent an email to say that the social distancing we are all doing has consequences for lions, elephants and other species in Africa’s 8,400 protected areas.

Please sign and share - Thank you

What has happened with the breakout of COVID-19 and social distancing?

Well, tourism has plummeted.  As a result, so has the revenue the safari industry receives.  The industry budgets revenue to dedicate to wildlife protection and protected areas management.

Wildlife and the people who protect it – rangers and community members who are employed in tourism and related businesses – will pay the price of this decline.

Please, please sign this petition and show support for Africa’s critical areas.  They are home to endangered species and they also drive economies that support wildlife.

By signing this petition, the African Wildlife Foundation says that you are on the side of:

  • Africa’s already threatened species who rely on protected areas for safe habitat
  • The health of some of the most biodiverse habitats in the world, which are found in protected areas
  • Local people who rely on sustainable nature tourism for a living

Please sign and share - Thank you
Please sign this petition today.
and give African wildlife a voice

Visit the African Wildlife Foundation's website here

 to find out more about the work they are doing

and how you can help

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  1. Miss Rebecca Darby

    Please help save the African animals

    Posted on

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