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New Appeal from the World Land Trust: Save Tanzania’s Coastal Forests

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The World Land Trust has launched the first appeal for this year and this one is in Eastern Africa.

The coastal forests there did cover an area larger than the UK – now, they would fit into half of Scotland.

There are 400 forest fragments from Somalia to Mozambique and biodiversity islands that are full of endemic life.

The Appeal Target:   £360,000

The Trust is working to raise £360,000.   With help from these donations, their partner the  Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG)  can save a crucial wildlife corridor.   Elephants, leopards, lions and other animals are counting on us all to save this land for them.

Roads are bringing cashew plantations closer and closer.  The animals need their wildlife corridor to be saved.

About the Rondo Appeal

The Rondo Plateau is a 900 metre table-top mountain.  It is a microclimate of misty forests, chameleons and bush baby primates whilst below it, big cats, butterflies and elephants roam. 

And with all our help, the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group is going to create a huge protected belt around this ancient landscape.

The donations will help safeguard a crucial wildlife corridor between the Rondo Forest Reserve and the Nyerere National Park.  49,000+acres (20,000 ha) of land will be protected.  The corridor will come in the form of 10 Village Land Forest Reserves, each under the stewardship of a village, and the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group will work with them closely.

Which animals will the appeal help? 

These animals are examples of those who need the Ronda route:

  • Elephants who need space to roam and who need their migration routes,
  • The African Lion and African leopard manage prey species – they must do this or animals such as the African Bush Pig would go unchecked, and devastate local farms.
  • The lions in the area need the land between the forest and shrubland to hunt or they would become extinct in the area
  • Leopards need forests so that they can store their kills up in the trees where other animals can’t get them.
  • The dwarf galago is a tiny endangered primate, who lives in trees and who needs the connectivity the Ronda land will give it.
  • The bearded pygmy chameleon is very vulnerable to habitat disruption – even the loss of a few trees could be one loss too many for some
  • The chequered elephant shrew’s population is very fragmented because of habitat loss so the subspecies is under real pressure

We all need to act

Please help protect these animals by protecting their homes today – and please donate to the World Land Trust’s appeal

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