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International Animal Rescue's Great Bear Rescue frees captive bears in Armenia

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October 2019 marks International Animal Rescue’s two year anniversary of the Great Bear Rescue.

And they’ve made a film showing their bear rescue team at work.  In fact, the song is written and sun by a member of their team!

Back in October 2017, the embarked on the Great Bear Rescue with their partners FPWC.  Their aim was to rescue every single bear being held captive in appalling conditions across Armenia.

And since then, they have rescued 30 bears!  (That's according to their email dated 4th October 2019)

This is Gordon

Gordon was found slumped on a cold hard floor
in a tiny, narrow cage with barely room to turn around. 

Dasha was rescued too
Dasha, who had spent ten miserable years behind bars
in a cramped cage half-submerged in water by a riverside restaurant. 

This is Peter
Peter, dubbed the saddest bear in Armenia,
was found in a tiny cage in a basement, in total darkness. 

 Thomas was rescued, too
Thomas was rescued from a filthy, squalid cage on the side of a road

But International Animal Rescue won’t stop until every bear has been rescued.  The day they sent an email with news of the film, two more bears were rescued.  They had been kept caged as status symbols.  And after rescue, they headed to the rescue centre to begin a new life.

Rescued bears can begin a new life

Find out more about the Great Bear Rescue and how you can help here.. 

All photos copyright to the International Animal Rescue


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