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Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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International Day of Action for Rivers is on 14th March 2023

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Did you see the series Paul Whitehouse, Our Troubled Rivers on BBC2?

Well, the 14th March 2023 is the International Day of Action for Rivers is dedicated to solidarity – communities around the world unite with one voice to say that rivers matter.

Having access to clean and flowing water matters.  Everyone should have a say in decisions affecting their water and lives. 

We need to stand up for rivers and protect them. We need to be a voice for rivers. Many species of wildlife need them for habitats.  But freshwater species have seen an 83% decline since 1970 so please, defend, protect and restore rivers.  We need them, and so do wildlife.

River charities in the UK include the Canal and River Trust, who have lots of ways you can get involved, the Rivers Trust, and Freshwater Habitats Trust.

This is a great chance on the 14th March to find out what they all do and whether there is any way in which you can help. 

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