Say No To Nets with Actions for Dolphins' petiton
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SayNotoNets! Action for Dolphins have a petition to stop the senseless killing of marine life. The petition is calling for the removal of shark nets and drumlines in Queensland. Over 15,200 animals have been caught in Queensland’s shark control programm since 2001. Dolphins, turtles and whales were left struggling for hours – many had long and agonising deaths. The Hon. Mark Furner is in charge of removing these death traps and replacing them with more effective technology to protect marine life and swimmers. The Queensland Government spends $13.1 million a year on their shark control programme, but only $1 million of that goes on researching and trying non-lethal alternatives. The result is that anyone who swims near them is threatened by them.
Some 575 animals have been trapped in shark nets and drumlines in Queensland alone this year. Progress is being made – the trialling of drones has started at 5 beaches but we all need to put the pressure on. Please sign and share and let’s get the Queensland Government moving on saying no to nets. Visit Actions for Dolphins' website and sign the petition here. |
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