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Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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It's Global Birding Weekend on 13, 14 and 15 October 2023

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It’s Global Bird Weekend on the 13th, 14th and 15th October!

BirdLife International are joining forces with Global Birding and eBird for Global Bird Weekend – it an annual celebration of birds.  

This is a wonderful opportunity to find out about global highways for birds – migration routes called flyways take billions of birds across deserts, mountains and oceans as they migrate.

There are these flyways:

  • African-Eurasian flyways links Africa, Europe and Asia
  • The Central Asia flyway is used by over 600 migratory bird species
  • The East Asian-Australiasian Flyway crosses 37 countries, from Alaska to Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand
  • The Americas Flyway has three migratory routes crossing 35 countries, from Southern Argentina to the Arctic Circle in the North

That’s a lot of flapping!

So take a moment this weekend to wonder:  where are the birds you see in the sky flying?  Why are they heading in that direction?  BirdLife have a map to help you see where your flyway goes!

BirdLife International says...

Join BirdLife International on the 13th, 14th and 15th October 2023
Image copyright BirdLife International

And this is a great chance to help birds all over the world by being a citizen scientist and collect vital data about the birds around you.   However many birds you count, from your garden to a nature reserve, this is a great chance to get involved.   Report your sightings and what you hear on eBird – help scientists acquire a better insight into global bird populations.

“Flock together so birds can soar together.”

Visit Global Birding

Visit eBird

Visit Global bird weekend 2023 - BirdLife International

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