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Make a bird feeder at home to help wildlife

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If you're looking for activities for the kids to do which get them closer to wildlife, take a look at the Woodland Trust's blog.

They have three wonderful ways you can help wildlife, including making your own bird feeder.  No baking is required, either! 

Make a bird feeder for wildlife at home 
©Woodland Trust

As well as listing the ingredients to include, the blog helpfully includes things to avoid, and also the method of making your feeder.

As well as getting messy and making your own homemade bird feeder, you can then watch the visitors coming to your garden to enjoy the feast you've left them!   Get the kids to see how many they can spot and identify - it's a great way to get them close to nature.

Also on the blog you'll find a way to turn used carton into seed holders. 

Visit the Woodland Trust's blog here


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