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It was World Elephant Day on 12th August - and there's a "bottle of milk match"!

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Update, 19th August 2024

There's great news from the Reteti Elephant Sancturay that a very special match was back for World Elephant Day 2024, and a whopping 9,000 milk bottles were gifted so with the match, that's 18,000 milk bottles for the elephants!   

You can still donate a milk bottle here.  Please note that the match has now finished but the Reteti orphans still need this milk - they drink a bottle every three hours! (19 Aug 2024).  

Visit the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary here.

Original blog:

On the 12th August, it’s World Elephant Day and a great chance to make a  to that most wonderful of giants, the elephant.

The Reteti Elephant Sanctuary is Africa’s first community owned elephant sanctuary in North Kenya.    Reteti takes in orphaned and abandoned elephant calves with the aim to release them back into the wild.  In short, they rescue to release!  

Meet the elephants here

And this World Elephant Day, there’s a chance to help them!

Give the elephants a bottle of milk – and it will be matched!  For every bottle you give the elephants, there’s a match with another one.

Please give a bottle of milk to a baby elephant.

One bottle of milk is $10.00   Help the sanctuary secure 20,000 bottles which will keep the calves in milk for up to 2 months!

About 10 to 25 elephant calves are rescued in the area of Northern Kenya every year.

 Give an elephant a bottle of milk here
Please give an elephant a bottle of milk here
Thank you!
Image © Reteti Elephant Sanctuary

These elephant calves are orphaned or abandoned because of drought, man-made wells which they can fall into, conflict between people and wildlife, and natural deaths.   Local communities wanted to retain elephants within the county and so the Kenya Wildlife Service and Samburu County Government promoted the establishment of a new Sanctuary. 

The keepers are all recruited from the Namunyak Conservancy ad they have been trained in the care, rehabilitation and release of elephant calves.  The Samburu have been living with wildlife for many years and deeply respect elephants.   You can meet the keepers here.

You can adopt an elephant for a minimum of USD50 a year, or you can give a bottle of milk. 

Visit the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary’s website to find out more.

Please give a bottle of milk here.  Thank you for going to look :-) 


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