Help rangers protect tigers

Tigers need our help.

They are under increased threat from poaching.   Their habitat is being encroached on by people.  People and wildlife need to co-exist without conflict, if both are to survive and thrive.

Enter Tigers4ever.  Thier goal is to prevent the extinction of wild tigers - and it believes that it is essential to stop wild tiger deaths which occur  as a result of poaching and retaliatory poisoning. 

So how does it do this?
  1. It provides anti-poaching patrols to keep tigers safe from poachers' traps and snares so that tigers can move around safely without getting trapped or caught in a snare
  2. It works with communities who live with the tiger.  It's really important that local people have a vested interest in tiger survival if tigers are to survive
  3. They educate children so that they appreciate why an apex predator is important, and why its habitat matters
  4. It gives safety advice to keep local people and their livestock safe.  Keeping livestock and people safe will reduce or stop retaliatory poisoning
  5. It works to reduce conflict between people and animals, providing wildlife with water through solar powered waterhole solutions and by reversing habitat destruction.


Tigers need our help - they need protecting

Tigers4Ever need help putting on patrols to protect tigers


Help patrollers protect tigers

So Tigers4Ever have appeals to Save Bandharvgarh Wild Tigers on Global Giving to help the charity achieve its aims and protect tigers:

  • You can protect the tiger protectors, helping fund equipment such as clothing and equipment for the rangers to keep them safe so that they can look after tigers.  
  • You can protect Bandhavgarh's tigers from poachers by ensuring that the rangers have food, or pay for an anti-poaching patrol for a day, or provide transport and fuel for a day for an anti-poaching team.  
  • You could also donate to an appeal that gives tigers and other wildlife water, providing solar-powered borehole pumps which provide year-round water for tigers & their prey.   Find out more here
  • You could also become a monthly donor and help protect tigers every month

Please make a difference and donate if you can.

Visit Tigers4Ever's website here

#Tigers #TigerConservation