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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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» Listings for 2018

  1. In January 2018, the UK Government kicked off the year by backing a project to create a new Northern Forest.  

    The Government will provide £5.7 million to increase tree cover in this area.  The project will cost £500m over 25 years, and the balance will be raised by charity. 

    The Woodland Trust is leading the scheme with local Community Forests

    The project will see 50 million trees over 25 years.  They will stretch from Liverpool right over to Hull, embracing the major cities of Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds, Chester and Hull alongside other major towns along the M62 corridor. 

    Shared from New World 360

    According to the Woodland Trust, benefits of this new forest include:

    • Improving air quality in towns and cities
    • Mitigating flood risk in key catchments
    • Supporting the rural economy through tourism, recreation and timber production
    • Connecting people with nature
    • Helping to delivery better health and wellbeing for people by providing access to green spaces
    • Providing a rich habitat for wildlife to thrive

    Woodland cover is at just 7.6% there, below the UK average of 13%.  The EU has an average of 44%. 

    Tree planting rates are very low with there being only 700 hectares against the Government’s target of 5,000 hectares a year, so this project should help.

    However, while it is one thing to create new forest, it is another to destroy ancient woodland which the Government is hell bent on, in part to create room for this ridiculous and incredibly expensive HS2 railway.  

    If this Government really cared about forests and woodlands, it would stop destroying ancient woodland and stop routing the high-speed train route through them.  

    Five Community Forests that sit within the proposed areas for the Northern Forest – you can find out more about the Community Forests here. 



  2. The river Ganges is a lifeline for over 500 million people across India. The river is workshipped as Ganga Mata, the Divine Mother.   She has sustained life for thousands of years.

    As this clip from You Tube shows (thank you to the for it), the Ganges is in trouble, thanks to human use of plastic.

    Wherever we are in the world, we all need to try to cut down on the amount of plastic we use and look for alternatives.   

    I've made a start using bamboo toothbrushes and I love them!  If we can each look at what we use plastic for and see what alternatives we can use, that would be a great start.

    I'm off to buy a blueberry bush to put in a pot in the garden - that will save the plastic packaging they've come in before.