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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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» Listings for 2024

  1. If you can sew, or knit or crochet, then a number of animal charities would welcome your help!

    You'll find a short list of them at  The page is called Knitting for Charities but there will be other things you can do to help as well - crochet, sewing - it's just a matter of exploring their information to see what help the charities need. 

    People all over the world are knitting, sewing and crocheting for animals...My Auntie Susan used to knit blankets for the cats at the local rescue close to where she lived in New Zealand, which is what gave me the idea for the Knitting for Charities page.  It's a great way to do something purposeful in those long winter months!