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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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» Listings for 2020

  1. Polar Bears International have a fundraiser on with a difference.

    They are looking to raise money to buy bear-safe bins!   These will help keep both polar bears and people safe. 

    In 2020, Polar Bears International say the summer ice melt in the Arctic is on schedule to be one of the largest on record. 

    This ice melt has several outcomes:

    Polar bears are going ashore for longer periods and in more places than before

    They are at greater risk of being in conflict with people

    They re hungrier when they arrive on land and they have to look for alternative sources of food.

    So one solution is to reduce encounters which could prove to be dangerous by reducing food attractions.

    Polar Bears International have a fundraiser called Bear-Safe Bins, and this will enable them to deliver bins that are resistant to polar bears to communities sharing areas with polar bears.

    The bins will reduce conflict between polar bears and people and so help keep everyone safe. 

    Join the Bear-Safe Bins Fundraiser, and help provide this simple solution to a growing problem. 

    Polar Bears International have sent two pilot bins for use in Churchill, as part of its Polar Bear Safe Community and now they're raising more funds so that extra bins can be sent out to communities needing them.

    The bins aren't cheap - they are $1,000 each- but then you need good quality bins to fend off polar bears!

    Visit Polar Bears International here

    Donate to the Bear-Safe Bins Fundraiser here - and no, you don't need to buy an entire bin, you can contribute towards one! 



    There’s a new petition on the online global community Avaaz.

    I am asking you to PLEASE READ IT, and if you’re willing to, to SIGN IT.

    Either way, please, please SHARE IT.

    So here’s the scoop:

    Energy giant Total is about to build the biggest heated oil pipeline in the world. 

    Avaaz say that the impact of this oil pipeline is three fold:

    1. The oil pipline will displace thousands of farmers.  
    2. It will pass through key elephant and chimpanzee reserves.
    3. It will threaten crucial biodiversity hotspots.  It will cross over 200 rivers, 12 forest reserves, and skirt Africa’s largest lake.   ONE LEAK could threaten some of Africa’s most biodiverse mangroves and coral reefs.

    This is all done to extract 1.033.417.417.032 litres of oil, a fossil fuel – taking us closer to a climate catastrophe.  Mind you, Total's CEO have publicly committed to preventing it!  In Total’s Climate Report 2019 concerning climate change, it was stated “Clearly, we need to take stronger action.”

    Avaaz:  Stop the TOTAL disaster

    Let’s have a quick look at Total and Biodiversity:  Commitments and Actions

    “Given its business, Total sometimes works in sensitive natural environments. We are aware of the stakes involved and have taken measures to ensure that biodiversity and ecosystems are taken into account in our projects and operations.” Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Total wrote.

    Total’s biodiversity policy includes (and I quote):

    • Applying the Mitigation Hierarchy, an approach to avoid, reduce, mitigate and, if necessary, compensate any loss in biodiversity

    • Taking ecosystem sensitivity into account.

    • Managing biodiversity by integrating risks and impacts in our environmental management systems. • Reporting on biodiversity performance to stakeholders.

    • Working with local and international partners and our industry associations to improve

    Online community Avaaz are attacking the pipeline plan in three ways

    1. A call to Total’s CEO Pouyanné now to make him famous in the media so everybody knows about these plans
    2. To support the growing movement on the ground
    3. To push the French government with what Avaaz calls “razor-focused advocacy”.

    Avaaz points out that this is all about fighting for what we all care about.   We need to protect the precious life on earth, to stand up for basic human rights – and to protect life and biodiversity for future generations.

    Join this massive call to STOP THIS TOTAL DISASTER and share widely.

    Please let’s help communities in Uganda.  Let’s help them defend their lands and the reserves the wildlife need.




  3. The majestic Asiatic lion once roamed across Asia and the Middle East and Asia. But, by the early 1900s, the species had suffered from hunting – so much so that only about 20 remained in Western India. 

    Today, numbers are increasing and now there are about 600 Asiatic lions in the Gir Forest.  The problem is that they are very vulnerable to forest fires and to disease.

    ZSL is working with the Wildlife Institute of India and the Gujarat Forest Department to ensure the wonderful Asiatic Lion has a future.

    4 ways ZSL are helping Asiatic Lions in the Gir Forest

    1. Conservation support including training wildlife rangers and training them in using the SMART tool, which was developed by conservation organisations to establish effective patrolling systems, monitor wildlife populations and movements and identify threats such as poaching or disease

    2. Veterinary support – lions have got stuck down wells and come into conflict with people, and the ZSL staff have taught vets vital lifesaving techniques such as how to intubate anaesthetised lions to help them breathe

    3. Working with the Sakkarbaug Zoo where about 40 Asiatic Lions live – some have been injured too much to return to the wild or for other good reasons they live at the zoo. ZSL and the staff at the zoo share best practice and knowledge about the Asiatic Lions.

    4. Education is vital to engage local communities and help them appreciate the importance of lion conservation.

    Can I mention also the Lion Trust (who are specialist fund managers) who sponsor ZSL’s Asiatic Lions Campaign.  We need more businesses to get involved like this.  Thank you to the Lion Trust. 

    Find out more about the work ZSL is doing with Asiatic Lions here.



  4. World Lions’ Day is ROARING towards us (it’s on 10th August 2020) and in doing some research for this website to put up something about it, I have as always found myself getting very immersed in some of the fantastic work that charities are doing.

    One of the amazing programmes I found out about today was about a very special dog called Kura and Kura’s Pride. 

    Kura lives with the team working with the charity Ewaso Lions, who promote wildlife-human co-existence.  They believe "the long-term survival of lions and other carnivores depends on finding ways people can coexist with them".

    Kura  turned up in the charity’s camp on the day of the Kenyan National Elections back in 2013.  He was lost and lame and looking for somewhere safe to stay.  And 7 years on, he is still with the camp!  

    And now Kura is heading the Kura Pride initiative, which is working to improve domestic dog welfare in Northern Kenya.  

    During the period October 2019 and June 2020, Kura’s Pride and partners managed to vaccinate over 2,600 animals against rabies and distemper.  These two disease harm people and wildlife so it’s a wonderful thing to get the jabs done. 

    This video tells you more about it.  I was struck by how happy everyone looks, dogs and people.

    Kura is the Director of  Emoti
    onal Stability for the charity Ewaso Lions.  As such, he warns everyone of poisonous snakes and leopards nearby, and of course he loudly announces any visitor to camp.

    Find out more about Kura's Pride

    Find out more about Ewaso Lions