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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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Category: Environment

  1. We want clean air! Take action on toxic air!

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    Take action on toxic air!

    There are a couple of petitions you may want to sign – or at least look at – which are aiming to move the planet in the direction of having cleaner air and stopping toxic air.

    Asthma UK:   We want clean air!

    Asthma UK is asking us all to take action on toxic air and tell our leaders that we want CLEAN air.  It has a petition for new, life-saving clean air plans. 

    The charity says that over 6 million people who are older than 65 are at a greater risk of breathing problems and experiencing asthma attics or flare-ups of COPD because of living in areas that are heavily polluted.

    You may remember a land-mark case last year; air pollution was cited for the first time anywhere on a death certificate.   An inquest heard of the role toxic air had played in the death of nine year old London girl Ella Kissi-Debrah as her asthma got worse. 

    Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation have produced a report called The invisible threat:  how we can protect people from air pollution and create a fairer, healthier society.  Their petition is asking us all to show support for new life-saving clean air plans

    Stop this Toxic Treaty Now!

    Avaaz also has a petition called Stop this Toxic Treaty now

    Avaaz says that just as many countries are at last taking action to protect the planet, fossil fuel giants are suing governments for billions.

    You see, the Energy Charter Treaty was designed to encourage energy companies to invest in developing economies.   Unfortunately, it’s being weaponised, as Avaaz calls it, to sue countries which try to shut down toxic coal plants and oil rigs.   Avaaz further say that companies have already won over $50 billion from taxpayer funds.

    However, there is hope.

    There’s a plan to stray this treaty.   Italy has withdrawn.  France and Spain and others are calling on the treaty to go. 

    Please add your voice to Avaaz’s petition and fuel a revolt.  We need to act on climate change and get rid of toxic air.

    We are all affected by toxic air, both animals and people, so let’s put pressure on those in charge to make decisions which help clean up the planet.

  2. Dogs help cats and sheep and herders and habitats - all at once!

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    WCS Argentina has a new initiative!  And it involves dogs, sheep and pumas.

    WCS is working to reduce conflict between herders and the wild carnivores who stalk their sheep flocks. 

    The dogs are a mix of Anatolian shepherd and Great Pyrenees.   They watch over the domestic goats and sheep herds, protecting them from pumas, foxes, condors and other predators.

    And because the dogs are protecting their flocks, the herds have stopped resorting to shooting, poisoning or trapping wildlife.  And there are a couple of wins here:

    • Wild carnivores have a better future – many are endangered, such as the Andean cat
    • Herds don’t need so many animals in a herd – and that means there’s less overgrazing and desertification is reduced.

    Find out more from WCS Argentina


  3. Save our Seagrass - Rapanui steps in to help and you can too!

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    Rapanui have an unusual offer this weekend!

    Their Buy One, Get One Tree offer has a twist – an under-the-sea twist.   They’ve teamed up with the Marine Conservation Society to help protect seagrass.

    This underwater grass is crucial in the fight against climate change.

    Why?  Well, seagrass absorbs 10% of the ocean’s carbon every year.

    In fact, estimates are that seagrass can capture as much carbon per hectares as trees in UK woodlands.  And seagrass is vital for marine life.

    Find out more about seagrass and why it matters here

    Unfortunately, 35% of seagrasses worldwide have been lost or damaged over the last 40 years – so Rapanui want to help the Marine Conservation Society do something about it.

    Rapanui wants to help Save our Seagrass

    This weekend (until midnight Sunday 14 June 2020), every order on the Rapa store will help the Marine Conservation Society protect 5 square feet of this wonder-plant in the UK's seas!

    Visit Rapanui here – they have a wonderful range of t-shirts, hoodies, jackets, bundles, shirts and more!

    Visit the Marine Conservation Society here and donate directly to their seagrass appeal



  4. Water, water, for wildlife in Guatemala

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    The World Land Trust reports that wildlife were putting themselves at risk in Guatemala because they were getting close to urban areas.

    So their conservation partner FUNDAECO introduced human-made watering holes and they have proved to be invaluable for wildlife – several species have been filmed using them.

    This initiative came after the Caribbean was hit by longer summers and animals got closer to towns. 

    It only takes the team a few days to install each watering hole.  The water holes will now be an annual part conservation.  The plan is to roll these artificial water sources out on other reserves.

    This means that wildlife will have access to water throughout the summer.

    The first project the World Land Trust did with FUNDAECO was the purchase of 1,500 acres of lowland and inundated tropical forest.  They created a reserve at Laguna Grande.

    Today, they are still buying and protecting some of the last remaining wetlands and tropical forests in Caribbean Guatemala.  Back in 2017, they started to create a new core reserve area in the Sierra Santa Cruz.  And WLT supports FUNDAECO through its Keepers of the Wild Appeal – that funds rangers on the reserves.

    Find out about the work the World Land Trust is doing in Guatemala here

    Find out about FUNDAECO here

    Donate to the World Land Trust’s Keepers of the Wild Appeal here 


  5. Please see this video from Gravitas - how nature is reclaiming its spaces due to the Coronavirus

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    Sometimes you see something on the internet or on television that really hits you hard and makes a point extremely well.

    I saw this video, this afternoon, and I wanted to share it with you.  Please share it with everyone you can.

    The ultimate message is that we SHARE this planet.  It demonstrates how dominant the human race has become - and how selfish.   I am not going to tell you anymore about it - please just watch it for yourself.   Here it is:

    Thank you, Gravitas.

    Please vow to make a difference today. 
    Find out how to reduce your impact on the earth's resources here.