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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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Category: Help a species

  1. Petition to help the koalas of Queensland, Australia

    Posted on

    Koalas Will Go Extinct If We Don't Stop Rampant Deforestation - Please sign this petition to help them

    Koalas Will Go Extinct If We Don't Stop Rampant Deforestation -

    Please sign this petition to help them 

    This petition is to the Government of Queensland, and Care2.com's The Petition Site is running it.

    The koala could go extinct within our lifetime, according to researchers.   This is mainly because state governments have been much too lenient when it comes to clear-cutting in the koala's last remaining habitats.

    For instance, between 2012 and 2016, five thousand koalas died becuase of habitat lost, and 94% of them died because of rural deforetation.   Koalas in Queensland are losing ground to huge stores and skyscapers thanks to the threat of new developments.  

    Unfortunately, the previous premier rolled back tree-clearing laws. 

    The new premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk is thinking about introducing new measures which would put an end to endless destruction of the koalas habitat.

    This petition is about speaking up for koalas, being their voice, and asking the Palaszcuk government to pass new tree-clearing restrictions today.  The koalas can't speak up for themeslves - they have no voice.  We need to be their voice instead.

    Please sign here to help koalas.


  2. Petition to help African wildlife and people from the African Wildlife Foundation

    Posted on

    Please, please take a look at this petition! 

    The African Wildlife Foundation sent an email to say that the social distancing we are all doing has consequences for lions, elephants and other species in Africa’s 8,400 protected areas.

    Please sign and share - Thank you

    What has happened with the breakout of COVID-19 and social distancing?

    Well, tourism has plummeted.  As a result, so has the revenue the safari industry receives.  The industry budgets revenue to dedicate to wildlife protection and protected areas management.

    Wildlife and the people who protect it – rangers and community members who are employed in tourism and related businesses – will pay the price of this decline.

    Please, please sign this petition and show support for Africa’s critical areas.  They are home to endangered species and they also drive economies that support wildlife.

    By signing this petition, the African Wildlife Foundation says that you are on the side of:

    • Africa’s already threatened species who rely on protected areas for safe habitat
    • The health of some of the most biodiverse habitats in the world, which are found in protected areas
    • Local people who rely on sustainable nature tourism for a living

    Please sign and share - Thank you
    Please sign this petition today.
    and give African wildlife a voice

    Visit the African Wildlife Foundation's website here

     to find out more about the work they are doing

    and how you can help

  3. Please see this video from Gravitas - how nature is reclaiming its spaces due to the Coronavirus

    Posted on

    Sometimes you see something on the internet or on television that really hits you hard and makes a point extremely well.

    I saw this video, this afternoon, and I wanted to share it with you.  Please share it with everyone you can.

    The ultimate message is that we SHARE this planet.  It demonstrates how dominant the human race has become - and how selfish.   I am not going to tell you anymore about it - please just watch it for yourself.   Here it is:

    Thank you, Gravitas.

    Please vow to make a difference today. 
    Find out how to reduce your impact on the earth's resources here.





  4. Health, Koalas and Forests

    Posted on

    Deborah Tabart OAM is Chairman of the Australian Koala Foundation

    And today, she sent out the most beautiful picture of an adorable koala, thinking it’s what we need right now.  Deborah, thank you.  It certainly cheered me up.

     Save the Koala - Join the Koala Army
    Save the Koala - Join the Koala Army

    One of the things Deborah said in the email she’d sent us was that she thinks the issues we are facing – the wildfires around the world and the coronavirus – stem in part from our lack of respect for the natural world, our lack of care for animals and our need to develop at all costs.

    I agree.  I remember once reading a phrase, Look after the earth and she will look after you.  Well, we have not looked after the world and she is finding it increasingly difficult to look after us.  We reap what we sow.  As Deborah says, we do not respect our planet, our forests, our rivers, our oceans.  We exploit them and abuse them far too much.

    My hope is that this virus will give us all the chance to reflect on what really matters and that it will give the planet a chance to do some healing.  We need to look at how we are living and what we are doing, and really start thinking about what we want going forward.

    The 21st March is International Day of Forests.  

    We need to love our forests around the world and to care for them like never before.  

    We are dependent on them. 

    Without forests that are in good health, we cannot be healthy.  They are the lungs of our planet.

    Without oceans and rivers that are in good health, we cannot be healthy.  They are our blood supply.

    Without air that is clean, we cannot be healthy.

    Without biodiversity, the right balance of species across the planet – I include humans in that – we cannot be healthy.  Every species has its place in nature – she has planned things pretty carefully and we are destroying that balance through activities dedicated to our own ends.

    So back to our Koalas.   Will you help put pressure on the Australian government to nudge them in the right direction and protect the koala, with the Koala Protection Act?  Protect one species and you protect far more. 

    Save the Koala - find out more about the Koala Protection Act

    Save the Koala - find out more about the Koala Protection Act

    Find out more here.

    And keep safe


    Images above ©Australian Koala Foundation


  5. US government programmes helping to conserve endangered species under threat.

    Posted on

    WCS (that’s the Wildlife Conservation Society) has emailed to warn that US government programmes helping to conserve species such as tigers, elephants, rhinos and others are under threat.

    WCS works to save wildlife and wild places in nearly 60 countries and across the ocean.

    Trump’s Administration is looking at cuts to programs that protect wildlife.

    WCS need as many people as possible from the US to urge their Congress members to support international programmes.

    These include programmes such as the USAID Biodiversity Program and the Multinational Species Conservation Fund. Key efforts at USAID and the Department of State fight international wildlife trafficking programmes.  The Global Environment Facility which plays a key role fighting the wildlife trafficking which is driving the slaughter of elephants and rhinos.  Programmes that conserve vulnerable species in the wild and protect the last wild places on earth are at risk. 

    If you are in the US, Please tell Congress right now: stand up for wildlife.

    If you are not living in the US and don’t have a Congress member, please share, share, share, the message people can sign.  Sharing is vital because it spreads the word.

    You could also donate here