One of the important things we can all do for nature is to be her voice. We all need to shout for it and make our voices heard. Nature is vital to our wellbeing, and for the wellbeing of our precious wildlife. On the 22nd June, there is the chance to do just that, to make...
The Green Match Fund aims to support charities that are playing a vital role in tackling environmental issues. For example, charities could be: preserving ecosystems protecting endangered species promoting sustainable living Donations will make double the difference in the...
In Defense of Animals report that there’s a grim fate waiting for too many beavers in Vermont. They face the threat and danger of beaver kits, and the danger of being ensnared by a cruel underwater leg-hold trap. These animals are vital eco-system engineers and there’s...
Last week, it was International Beaver Day (held on the 7th April). I was thinking about beavers last night and when I woke up this morning. They are pretty remarkable rodents, and I was lying in bed thinking about their determination and focus and way of getting things done. They...
Free the Bears do amazing work rescuing and caring for bears who've been held captive in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. You'll find their website here.Once a rescue has been made, the vital work of caring for these bears begins - and it may cost over $50,000 to ensure they get all the best...
You may well remember the heart-breaking television footage of the wildfires in Australia back in 2019 to 2020. The fires were horrendous, and wildlife suffered appallingly. One of the appeals that were set up to help raise funds to help the wildlife was the “Help Thirsty Koalas...
Polar Bears International emailed with a report of their activities so far in 2024, thanks to the support of everyone. Their long-term den-monitoring project in Svalbard had one of the most successful field seasons to date! They deployed custom-made den-monitoring cameras at 5 den sites, and...
There’s a new series starting on BBC1 on 31st March 2024 at 7pm – Mammals. Composer Thomas Farnon and The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra rework Coldplay’s track for the BBC Studios Natural History Unit. The new series starts of with Dark, as so many of the world’s...
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Around the world, there are many groups of committed people who are making sure wildlife have the space they need to survive and thrive. Please find a...
I'm a huge fan of Green People. They are based in West Sussex, and make organic beauty products. I love their gentle cleanser and moisturiser, and I also love the fact they help charities close to my heart as well. As they say, "Nature gives us the inspiration and...
This week, there’s a programme on BBC2 at 4:00 called Born to be Wild. It takes a look at the work at the Scottish SPCA’s Wildlife Centre. Foxes, ravens, a badger, a deer fawn, oystercatcher chicks, house martins, seals and a white tailed eagle are just some of the animals needing the...
The 15th March is International Day of Action Against the Canadian Seal Hunt. It's dedicated to protesting the hundreds of thousands of seals who will be killed annually for their fur. Please join in and urge Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to stop this massacre once and for all! In...
Paso Pacífico in Nicaragua need help fixing their trucks. Their mission is to restore and protect the endangered dry tropical forest and coastal ecosystems of Mesoamerica's Pacific Slope. They work to protect and restore biodiversity where people already live, working with...
In February 2024, the Fourteenth Session of the Conference of the Partiesto the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (phew, that was a long title!) took place. The theme was “Nature knows no borders” – a reminder that migratory species don’t...
Panda charity Pandas International emailed with news that on 28th February, it was announced that Beijing will open a conservation base in 2025. The construction is underway – it will span an area of about 133 hectares in forest park, in the southwestern district of the...
The 3rd March is World Wildlife Day. Wildlife all over the world need our help - and here are some examples of how people are helping and making a difference to those on front line....