Take part in the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch

Wildlife surveys give important data to conservation charities.  Their results enable them to plan and work out what the most important things to do are to help a species. 

Over a period of time, they give an invaluable build up of data, showing trends and surprises or shocks. 

The results of a survey show which species are doing well and which need help.  The more people who take part, the better – it gives conservationists a chance to build up a clearer picture.

What’s more, it gives all of us a chance to get involved and do our bit for conservation!

The RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch takes place from the 24th to 26th January 2025.   It's an annual event - in 2024, over 600,000 people took part. They counted 9.7 million birds! The House Sparrow got the top spot, followed by the Blue Tit and then the Starling.

There are just three things you need to do to take part:

  1. Register (which is free and easy to do) - you'll get an exclusive RSPB shop discount and a free digital or printed Birdwatch guide

  2. Pick an hour to suit you from the 24th to the 26th January 2025 and watch the birds in your garden or local park

  3. Record the birds that land and the highest number of each bird species you see at any one time

  4. Let the RSPB know what you’ve seen. Even if you didn't see any birds, that's important - the RSPB need to know.

The RSPB have the challenging task of collating everyone’s survey results and from there, they can work out which bird species are doing well and which need help.  They can tell us which species need help and we can all see what we can do to help our feathered friends.

And don't forget - look out for the results of the Big Garden Birdwatch and see how you can help those birds which are struggling and need our help.

The RSPB says there are three things you can do to get ready for your Big Garden Birdwatch:

  1. Brush up on your bird identification skills! You don't have to be an expert - everyone can join in - but this is a great chance to improve your knowledge of our feathered friends! The London Wildlife Trust has a download for you called Garden Bird Detective so that you can mug up and be prepared!

  2. Provide food, water and shelter for your garden birds

  3. Make your patch wildlife-friendly, however large or small it is!

There's a list of FAQs here.

The RSPB has this Big Garden Birdwatch Bundle to help you encourage birds to your garden.



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