Campaign for Nature - she has no voice

If you’re concerned about the green spaces near you as the new Labour Government  reforms  the planning system, you can easily find out about planning laws and wildlife laws, because the RSPB has put packs together for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland to help you understand them. 

As an example, the packs for England include helpful information on things such as:

  • How to gain local support
  • Lobbying your local council
  • Getting your message across with local media
  • The planning system
  • Addressing climate change through planning
  • Neighbourhood planning
  • Useful contacts – you can get advice and information on helping specific species e.g. amphibians and reptiles, butterflies and bugs and bats, as well as bodies such as the Planning Inspectorate, the Town and Country Planning Association etc

Nature needs us to be her voice.

Please act now and write to your MP

Please take action now - You can write to your MP and tell them that nature is important – now, the RSPB has made this really easy, because they have a clever tool to show you how to find your local MP.  If you know what you want to say that’s fine but if you need some help, the RSPB has a tool at the ready to help you -  and also you can focus on any issue that’s particularly important to you such as clean rivers and seas,  protecting places for nature, helping species thrive, wildlife friendly housebuilding, access to nature or something else.



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