It's #NoMowMay -give your lawnmower a rest!

The UK has lost almost 97% of meadows rich in flowers since the 1970s. This means that essential food that pollinators need has gone. The habitat loss that pollinators have suffered from has been staggering and it doesn’t help that so many people are in pursuit of a perfect lawn.
Gardens can be a wonderful habitat for wildlife – if only we are all willing to share some of it with them and give them a helping hand. And #NoMowMay is a great way to share some of your lawn with wildlife and just let it grow. Charity Plantlife are asking us all to give wildlife a chance, to let our lawns grow this May and then let them know what happens!
Every garden could be part of a huge jigsaw for wildlife!
With over 20 million gardens in the UK, even small grassy patches can really help nature, our own wellbeing and the climate. English Heritage (working in conjunction with Plantlife) is creating and/or restoring 100 English wildflower meadows over the next 10 years to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.
Be part of a huge effort to create change and protect nature.
Each of us can do our bit to help our pollinators and ultimately help ourselves, creating a healthier planet for everyone living on it. The more of us who get involved, the more impact we can make! Power to a mass group effort! And we can do this without even leaving home by joining #NoMowMay and letting our lawns grow - or a part of them. However, if you happen to be able to get to London on the 22 June 2024... there's a huge march for nature called Restore Nature Now.
Why sign up to Plantlife's #NoMowMay? Well, it helps Plantlife to understand how many lawns and green spaces everyone is letting grow -and to quantify the area that we are collectively providing for nature.
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