Round up of Clean Up the World Days in September

September is a busy month for cleaning up the world and we can all play a part in it! There are lots of awareness days to get involved in and the great thing about those is that they can give you some very helpful tips and advice on how to get started. 

There’s nothing like meeting like minded people who also want to make a difference – it can really boost your faith in human nature (if it needs boosting!) that so many people want to do something and take action.

So what is a nurdle?  Nurdles are small plastic pellets - billions are used each year to make nearly all our plastic products but many end up washing up on our shores.  Help deal with the problem by getting involved in a nurdle hunt and find out how we can end nurdle pollution.  Be a citizen scientist and get involved in this global effort this September.   Find out more

Did you know that the 2nd to 6th September is Zero Waste Week?

Big River Watch (6-12 September)

This takes place twice a year, and it's on from 6th to 12th September.  
Our rivers are facing serious challenges, as they are burdened by plastics, sewage, chemicals, and much more.  Be a part of the solution and join the Big River Watch with the Rivers Trust who are inviting everyone to don their citizen science caps and be part of the movement fighting for our rivers.   Find out more here.

This day aims to activate 5% of the world’s population to catalyse lasting change in behaviour around waste, including marine waste.  In 2023, 19.1 million environmental heroes from 198 countries took part and 219,000 kilos of rubbish were collected!  Join in the global effort to clean up the world! 

Sign the petition calling to make governments and the plastic production industry

Join in the Million Mile Clean

Surfers against Sewage said to themselves:  "What if we could rally 100,000 volunteers to each clean 10 miles of blue, green or city space each year?"  Enter the Million Mile Clean,  bringing Ocean Activists together to tackle plastic pollution head on.  The Clean will run annually until 2030, mobilising a million volunteers to clean over 10 million miles of UK landscape!



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