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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978
Around the world, there are many groups of committed people who are making sure wildlife have the space they need to survive and thrive. Please find a group to join so that you can be a part of their journey to help wildlife. If we all pull together, we can really power through change for the better. The more of us who help create, protect, care for and save existing and new spaces, the better.
What can one person do to help wildlife?

Take action!
Be a part of the solution!

Join the bigger picture and do something!
Follow the day on social media #RewildingTogether
Find out what rewilding is
Take a look at the rewilding toolkit
Arrival of 16 Przewalski’s horses in the Iberian Highlands rewilding landscape
A bright future
for Wilder Blean,
The 14th March is International Day of Action for Rivers - that's a meandering name - and a chance for us all to show we care about rivers. It's also a chance for us to act for rivers - they are essential to all life on earth. Find out all about it here
The 3rd March was World Wildlife Day and in 2025, the theme is Wildlife Conservation Finance: Investing in People and Planet. Much of our precious planet is at risk and this year the theme focuses on financing conservation, looking at new innovative ideas. #WWD2025 Find out all about it here. And please, whatever else you do today, please do one thing for nature, e.g. a litter pick (so wildlife don't eat litter), feed the birds, spread the word, support a cause....
The Devon Wildlife Trust was on a mission to raise £58,000 by the 31st January 2025 to buy land right next to Stourton Quarry, which the Trust already owns. Collaven Moor could provide a haven to a wide range of threatened wildlife, including willow tits, southern damselflies and marsh fritillary butterflies. Please find out more -
International Polar Bears Day
The 27th February is International Polar Bears Day. The focus is on raising funds to help protect polar bear mothers and cubs, giving them the best possible chance of survival, and also supporting other conservation efforts across the Arctic. There's lots going on; why not send an e-card to help raise awareness about this special day? Visit Polar Bears International here.
Borrowdale is the largest temperate rainforest in the UK - it's in the beautiful Lake District. Temperate rainforests are vital carbon stores, and home to animals, plants and fungi!. And Borrowdale has just become a protected nature reserve, as a result of a decision by Natural England and the National Trust! You can find out all about it here.
The WWT (Wildfowl and Weltands Trust) have produced this great video to show how important garden ponds are to wildlife. Discover more about the power of ponds and working out how you can add water to your garden for wildlife, including mini-ponds.
Visit WWT here.
WOW! The World Land Trust's Big Match Fortnight Appeal which started back in October 2024 with the WLT's Big Match Fortnight has been successful! The £1.3 million target has been hit! Find out all about it here.
The little African penguin needs our help. The penguins' numbers have plummeted and organisations are working together to try to ensure these charismatic animals have a future. Find out how you can help here.
Animal magic at work
This website is about wildlife, but I came across this on You Tube, as you do, and couldn't resist adding it to show how amazing animals - and dogs in particular - are at smoothing the waters, and giving people a smile and a better day! If only they were in charge in Parliament! (We could have Larry the Cat from Downing Street, as PM in charge of them all.) Thank you, Jenny, and dogs everywhere for all you do. By the way, you could take a look at the Anti-Poaching dogs - they need our support!
The book "Earthshot" says that you and I can be part of the problem facing the planet - or we can be part of the solution. Two things we can do is to protect the natural world and to reduce our impact. "Urgency + Optimism = Action."
There's a website aiming to educate people into why you shouldn't poison bats you find in your home - it's a wonderful resource. Find out more here
There are lots of committed groups around the world working to help wildlife, the natural world and conservation. Join in their efforts!
From ponds and rivers to mountains and deserts, wildlife need space to survive and thrive. You and I can help save, protect and care for this habitat, and help create more space for wildlife. We share the planet with them.